Privacy Policy Print E-mail

Non-employee Persons in this context includes Individuals who are viewers, readers, subscribers, advertisers, contest participants, forum members, customers, Internet users who are exposed to the media and e-commerce content of MAC Report Online

The MAC Report Online Privacy Policy applies to the management of Personal Information in any form whether oral, electronic or written. MAC Report Online reserves the right to amend this MAC Report Online Privacy Policy from time to time.

The application of the MAC Report Online Privacy Policy is subject to the requirements or provisions of any applicable legislation, regulations or agreements, or the order of any court or other lawful authority.

Exclusions from privacy protection: The MAC Report Online Privacy Policy does not impose any limits on the collection, use or disclosure of the following information by MAC Report Online:

a) Information which is available publicly, such as a Person's name, address, telephone number and address, when listed in a directory or made available through directory assistance;

b) Information collected, used or disclosed in the course of journalistic, literary or artistic activities; or

c) Aggregate information that cannot be associated with a specific person, such as demographic statistics about MAC Report Online customers, or number of visitors and average time spent on a website.

Purposes for Collection of Personal Information:

MAC Report Online has collected and collects Personal Information for the following purposes:

a) To establish and maintain responsible commercial relations with Individuals and to provide ongoing service;

b) To understand Individual needs;

c) To enhance, develop, market or provide products and services; and

d) To meet legal or regulatory requirements, including to protect or defend a legal interest, and in connection with an actual or possible MAC Report Online corporate re-organization, merger or amalgamation with another entity, or an actual or possible sale of all or a substantial portion of the assets of MAC Report Online, provided that the Personal Information disclosed continues to be used by the entity acquiring the information either for evaluation of the possible transaction, or, on completion of any such transaction, for the purposes permitted by this Privacy Policy.

As examples of the above:

i) MAC Report Online may from time to time use a Person's Personal Information to contact the Person about changes, enhancements or similar notices related to MAC Report Online products and services;

ii) If a Person indicated that they was interested in receiving offers or information from MAC Report Online or certain of our selected sponsors or advertisers, MAC Report Online may send the Person materials about products and services that MAC Report Online feels may be of interest to the Person; and

iii) If a Person enters a contest or other promotion offered on a MAC Report Online website, MAC Report Online may, under the rules of the promotion, use the Person's name and certain other information to administer the promotion, such as contacting, announcing and promoting the winners of the promotion.

Obtaining Consent:

MAC Report Online will make a reasonable effort to make sure Persons understand how their Personal Information will be used by MAC Report Online. MAC Report Online will obtain consent from Persons before or when it collects or uses the Personal Information. MAC Report Online will not attempt to deceive Persons into giving consent.

A Person's consent can be express, implied, or given through an authorized representative. A Person can withdraw consent at any time, with certain exceptions noted herein. MAC Report Online, however, may collect, use or disclose Personal Information without the Person's knowledge or consent in exceptional circumstances where such collection, use or disclosure is permitted or as required by law.

Note: If any Person has any questions or concerns about MAC Report Online's privacy practices, the Person can either:

i) Write to Customer Service - Privacy, MAC Report Online, 8645 Dixie Lane, Dearborn Heights, MI 48127; or

ii) Provide information to MAC Report Online through the form provided on our feedback page .

Refusing or withdrawing Consent:

Subject to legal and contractual requirements, a Person can refuse to consent to MAC Report Online's collection, use or disclosure of Personal Information about the Person, or a Person may withdraw the Person's consent to MAC Report Online's further collection, use or disclosure of Personal Information at any time in the future by giving MAC Report Online reasonable notice, unless:

i) The consent relates to certain information required for credit approval which a Person applies for or accepts,

ii) The consent is otherwise required by law or iii) the use or disclosure is permitted by law or is related to the legal or regulatory requirements described herein. If a Person refuses or withdraws the Person's consent, MAC Report Online may not be able to provide the Person or continue to provide the Person with some products, services or information which may be of value to the Person.

Internet Aspects:

Personal Information may be collected when a user conducts activities on or related to all websites of MAC Report Online (see "MAC Report Online Companies Sites") or related to services made available on the MAC Report Online Companies Sites. Although information collected, used or disclosed on the Internet as described below often does not constitute Personal Information (and to the extent that such is the case, then the obligations under the MAC Report Online Privacy Policy do not extend to such information), MAC Report Online provides the details below about Internet aspects of MAC Report Online services for the purposes of disclosure.

Internet Protocol Address (IP Address)
When the user's web browser requests a web page from another computer on the Internet, it automatically gives that computer the address where it should send the information. This address is called the computer's "IP address." For most users accessing the Internet from a dial-up Internet service provider (ISP), the IP address will be different every time the user logs on.
MAC Report Online may use the user's IP Address to:

a) Facilitate the diagnosis and remedy of a technical problem reported by the user's or SportsDirect Inc's technical team.

b) Display (or allow the display by Third Party advertising providers of) more appropriate and relevant content and advertising, such as content and advertising based on the user's geographic area.

c) Estimate user traffic from specific countries or organizations. Many IP addresses are commonly associated with Internet service providers, universities, or major corporations in specific regions or localities. Aggregate information derived from IP addresses may also be reported to advertisers.

A cookie is a small text file, which often includes an anonymous unique identifier, that is sent to the user's web browser from a web site's computers and is stored on the user's computer's hard drive. Cookies cannot be used to run programs or deliver viruses to a user's computer.
MAC Report Online may use cookies to:

a) Improve the operation and performance of the MAC Report Online services and to make MAC Report Online services easier and more convenient to use. For example, cookies help MAC Report Online provide more personalized services by recalling user preferences on subsequent visits (e.g. language preference). Cookies also allow MAC Report Online to save passwords and preferences for a user so that the user will not have to re-enter them on the next visit to a MAC Report Online website;

b) Measure aggregate user traffic and demographic statistics related to MAC Report Online websites and advertisements (e.g. number of users, average time spent, average age and similar statistics). This information helps MAC Report Online to better understand when to update, change or offer new services and provides MAC Report Online with details as to the performance of Third Party advertisements and content. This information may be reported, in aggregate form only, to MAC Report Online's current and prospective sponsors, advertisers and business partners. No Personal Information will be disclosed in such reports;

c) Display advertisements. MAC Report Online and Third Party advertising providers may use cookies when serving advertisements on MAC Report Online websites. In some cases, advertisements from Third Party advertisers are delivered to users (in conjunction with MAC Report Online services) by such Third Party advertisers, or by separately contracted advertising providers on their behalf, and not by MAC Report Online; as such, the Third-party advertisers' use of cookies is subject to their own privacy policies, not the MAC Report Online Privacy Policy, and users should consult the privacy policies of such Third Party advertisers.

Most browsers are initially set up to accept cookies. If a user prefers, the user can reset his/her browser either to notify the user when the user has received a cookie, or to refuse to accept cookies. The user should understand that while MAC Report Online do not require a user to use cookies, certain MAC Report Online services will not function properly if a user sets his/her browser to not accept cookies.

Links To Other Sites And Advertisements
A MAC Report Online website may contain links to other websites and services. While MAC Report Online try to link only to sites and services that share MAC Report Online's high standards and respect for privacy, a user should understand that MAC Report Online is not responsible for the content of, or the privacy practices employed by, other companies or websites. This MAC Report Online Privacy Policy applies only to the MAC Report Online services related to this MAC Report Online Privacy Policy.

The majority of the advertisements which are displayed in connection with MAC Report Online services are served through one or more reputable Third Party advertisement-serving companies which deliver the advertisements to users in conjunction with MAC Report Online services. For more information about what information is collected and how information is used by a major Third Party advertising provider click here.

Additional Information
MAC Report Online Companies automatically collect certain information about the user's computer hardware and software. This information may include: browser type, operating system type, domain names, access times and referring Web site addresses. This information is used by MAC Report Online to operate the service, to maintain the quality of the service, and to provide general statistics regarding use of the MAC Report Online Companies Sites.

Certain MAC Report Online services may be co-branded and offered in conjunction with another company. If a user registers for or uses such services, both MAC Report Online and the other company may receive information collected in conjunction with the co-branded services.

Last Updated ( Sunday, August 19 2007 )

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